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Get the latest insights, news and opinion from the compliance technology specialists. Find out what’s new, what’s changing and what the future holds in the world of corporate compliance, market abuse and conflict of interest regulations and technology.

Vetting A Compliance Vendor: Why Data Security Can Make All The Difference

Looking for a differentiator? Information security will reveal more than you think

Third-Party Risk: How To Assess It And Manage It

The best laid plans of mice and men can go out the window when it's not your mice and men

Whistleblowers And The Countries Working Hard to Embrace Them

Governments are figuring out that whistleblowers deserve protection

Robo-Advisers Are Here To Stay

Your Gen-X and Millennial employees love them. Here's what they, and you, need to know

Rethinking ROI And Compliance

Whether it's people or tech, a hard number is hardly the only way to think about compliance spending

Build Or Buy? The Compliance Platform Dilemma Addressed

Need a fully automated, integrated solution but don't know where to begin? Start here

Your Employees Are Probably In The Crypto Markets. Here's What To Do

This week, Elinphant CEO Elin Cherry lends us her expertise in handling this increasingly common..

Italy: Stepping Up To Give Corruption The Boot

New anti-corruption measures will help keep everyone on their toes

The Long Awaited Return Of South Africa

There's real hope the continent's shining star is regaining its shimmer

Sapin 2: France Means Business

The country's second sweeping attempt to address corruption and how to stay on top of it

Trade Surveillance: MiFID 2 Revisited

The latest MiFID makes trade surveillance a priority. We drill down and help you get your head..